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great divide是什么意思
发布时间:2020-11-20 作者: 英语查
great divide 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | 1.北美(洲)大陆分水岭〔指落基山脉〕。 2.〔常作 g- d-〕分水岭,分水界。 3.分界线;生死线(cross the G- Divide 死)。
| | | great: adj. 1.大的,巨大的。 2.很多的;充足的,十足的 ... | | divide: vt. 1.分,区分,划分 (into)。 2.分配,分 ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | Its location marks it as a great divide as well as a link between central asia and south asia 它的地点标记它作为一个great . divide并且一个链接在中亚和南亚之间。
| | 2. | The bayankala mountains form the great divide between china ' s yellow river on its north and yangtze river on its south 巴颜客拉山是长江和黄河的分水岭,山南面是长江,北面是黄河。
| | 3. | The great divide between programmers who work with back - end applications and web programmers who spend their time writing html , css , and javascript is long standing 程序员(使用后端应用程序)和web程序员(编写html 、 css和javascript )之间的分水岭是长久存在的。
| | 4. | For example , many people perceive a great divide between database management systems and programming languages - or between data modeling languages and more general purpose modeling languages like uml 比如,很多人都感觉到在数据库管理系统和编程语言之间或者在数据建模语言与更多通用目的的建模语言之间,象uml ,存在着一个大的分水岭。
| | 5. | In reply to a question as to his first sensations in the great divide beyond he stated that previously he had seen as in a glass darkly but that those who had passed over had summit possibilities of atmic development opened up to them 被问以当他越过那浩渺的境界后最初的感想如何,他回答说:原先他所看见的好比是映在镜子里的模糊不清的影像145 ,然而已经越境者面前随即揭示出发展“我” 146这一至高无上的可能性。
| | 6. | You will drive past the great divide watershed of the american continent to arrive at mammoth hot springs to view the multi - colored lava flow from extinct volcanoes , examine fossilized trees , and catch the glimmer of beautiful lakes in the secluded woods 穿越美国大陆的分水岭,到达公园最北的mammoth hot springs ,五颜六色的梯田,温泉及滚烫的熔岩,石化的古木,碳化的火山口,林间的小湖,泛上袅袅的轻烟,宛如神话世界。
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